Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The first post

Welcome to my first-ever blog!  I understand that my blogging skills are quite novice but by the time you read this, it must mean that you are so intrigued by my incredible writing that you decided to keep pressing older posts until you hit the end.  Here's a little background on why I started (since blogging is totally not my thing): *insert snore emoticon*

I recently had a craving for burgers after a 4 year hiatus of not eating any burgers except for Big Mac's. Nothing beats Mcdonald's, but that would make my blog pretty boring wouldn't it?  I started exploring some of the newer, trendier, fast food burger joints (which in fact are not very fast at all) and reading reviews. BlogTO claims Craft Burger is #1, - I beg to differ - but I will post my own review on it later.  Since I started talking about burgers so much within the past week, my frand suggests [numerous times] that I make a blog, probably so that I can rant somewhere so that he doesn't have to hear anymore of it even though I'm going to make him eat burgers with me now.

Of course being a student on a tight budget I'm not going to be THAT adventurous, like mbrgr's $100 burger? I'd rather have my foie gras not on my burger thanks.  Yet I don't mind trying this ...when I find a job.  As you can see, clearly the burgers in the past week that I've had did not satisfy my burger craving, so I assume that my blogging phase will end when I find a burger that can live up to the name "the perfect burger."  

This might do the job

I'd also like to add that while toppings are nice, the MEAT is the most important part. And sauce. Like how mac sauce is bomb. And Hero sauce. So if you're ready, follow me and watch me gain 10lbs a month from eating burgers!  

P.S. Supersize Me was a great documentary.
P.P.S. Please excuse my poor photography as I cannot afford a decent camera
P.P.P.S. My doctor just told me that my cholesterol levels were good!!! Time to eat more burgers!!!


  1. posting @ 9AM, really?
    congrats! I'm your first comment.
    Try reading or
    Navigate through the restaurant/toronto section, you know how to use the internet right?


  2. haha thanks! that's actually where i got some ideas along with blogto. i spent like 3 hours in lecture on those sites... no miss karla please teach me how to use internet!
