Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's not a burger place I know, and I would never come here to eat such an expensive burger- other than the fact that Karla and I came here for Winterlicious. I figured I'd give it a try since this Bymark 8oz USDA Prime burger is $35 on the regular menu and I had it for $25 with an appetizer and dessert.

The toppings were king oyster mushrooms and brie cheese, and it also came with fries. I got it done medium rare, and this is what I get:

the first picture didn't do justice for the size of this thing

It was probably the rarest burger I've had. Don't worry, my stomach was fine after. The beef was pretty bland but somewhat overwhelming and quite messy. I wasn't able to taste the cheese at all, and I love brie :( The first half was good, but it started to get tiring from there and it was also very filling. I wouldn't get this again. For a thick gourmet burger done medium rare, Origin was definitely much better.

the appetizer

The crab cakes that I had for the appetizer was definitely phenomenal for Toronto though. Nothing can beat Maryland crab cakes *sigh*