Thursday, November 3, 2011

Holy Chuck Burgers

Now that I've put Shake Shack on a pedestal, I might as well quit blogging. Seriously. When will I ever find such an amazing burger again??? I've eaten a few burgers in the past two months but I was so unimpressed that I didn't blog about it. Don't worry, I hadn't gone vegetarian - I was just being lazy. I ate this Bronx burger from Earl's and it was just awful - I didn't even want to blog about it because I had absolutely nothing nice to say about it. The mini mac from 416 Snack Bar was pretty good, but I wasn't sure I wanted to blog about a little Big Mac. Plus, our server told us that it was coming off the menu soon anyway! I'll never get sick of Big Macs <3.
So why does Holy Chuck get an entry? Obviously because it left a good impression!

Situated at Yonge/St Clair, I think I've found a close substitute for Burger's Priest. Holy Chuck is not so out of the way being on Yonge and all, but I'd still have to go all the way to the beaches if I want "the Option". Holy Chuck also has a deep-fried stuffed portobello mushroom which they call "animal feed", but feta and cream cheese stuffing just isn't the same. They have a pretty big menu, but I don't think I'd opt for a lamb or pork burger anytime soon.

My double cheese burger for $7.99. The only toppings I had on the burger were onions, lettuce, and mayo. The selection was even smaller than Burger's Priest- I'm guessing they prefer you eat the burger without any vegetables or excessive sauces in order to taste the beef. Frand got the Mad cow, which is the animal feed and a patty for $10.99. He also added an extra patty to the burger for an extra $2.99. Our burger chefs were ecstatic because they said we were the first ones to think of adding a patty to it, as they gathered around to take pictures of the work of art.

we'll name it one day

Again, the portobello mushroom was disappointing because we enjoy oozing cheese, not cheese chunks falling out of the burger. What we DID like about this burger was how well the buns were able to hold the weight of the patties and the portobello, where Burger's Priest had a grease-soaked bottom bun that fell apart as you eat it. The patties were juicy and tender. I may be biased, but the flat iron is much, much better than the grill. And guess what? The 4oz patties was freshly grounded in store, so they were able to keep it pink!

Verdict on this burger? The value isn't great, but it can somewhat satisfy my craving. It's pretty expensive for what it is, and I wouldn't go again for no reason. I know, it's no Shake Shack, and I somewhat wish that I haven't tried it because it makes it that much harder to find something of that degree.

1 comment:

  1. still impressed by the way you critique now compared to your first few entries LOL. i JUST read about holy chuck from another blog, but about their bacon milkshake! looks like i have to pay a visit some time soon!
