Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shake Shack

Have you ever waited an hour and half for a burger in the middle of a park? I HAVE.  

worse than women at a MAC sale.

No seriously, do you see that long line for Shake Shack? Incredible! This little joint in Madison Square Park, NYC without any indoor seating or a washroom can generate this kind of revenue on a regular Friday at 12pm.  The line grew even longer by the time we got to the front. 
wonder how these seats are in winter...

After finally placing our order, we even get a little buzzer to notify us when our burgers were ready.
technology makes up for the lack of everything else. 

I got the double Shackburger and the Shackstack, which respectively is a double cheeseburger and a cheeseburger with a deep-fried portobello mushroom stuffed with cheese, similar to "The Priest" at Burger's Priest. I was surprised at the lack of condiment options, but with a burger like this, I don't see what else to put on there.  It comes with tomato, lettuce, and Shack sauce (some flavoured mayo). I got mine sans tomato of course.

It was so delightfully heavenly.  Beef, cheese, bun... everything in the right proportions with the cheese oozing out. The beef was juicy and bigger than the one at Burger's priest, and the portobello was not as battered. Juicy but not greasy to the point where the bun cannot support the weight of the patties. Unfortunately, frand said that 2 patties wasn't enough and that I should've gotten him 2 patties PLUS the portobello.  Oops. There's no way I'm going back into that line, even though the wait was completely worth it.

oozing. cheese.

The cheese fries were also wonderful but quite small.  I didn't end up getting the milkshake because I figured that would be overindulging, and I was thirsty. This burger will definitely stay in my heart forever.  Just like these girls <3. *inserts big awwwwwwwwwwww*

four sexy burger models.

My verdict on this burger? Don't leave NYC without having Shakeshack.  It's gonna take 2 hours to line up for Statue of Liberty anyway and it's probably pretty lame.  They also have other locations in the States as well.  A blogger's tragic flaw, but I'm sincerely at a loss for words to describe this scrumptious burger. Sorry. :(


  1. You have probably given me the best reason to visit NYC again (and that last photo does not hinder in the least! GODDAMN!)

    I remember hearing something about this place on a TV show, but it seemed to be more about the line up than the food; plus they were talking about a special corn dog, if I'm not mistaken.

    Would you consider Burger's Priest a remote runner's up to this place? As a Torontonian, BP may be the closest thing (however distant) I can get to this style?

    BTW, the flat top RULES!!!

    1. Yes to flat top! I think BP is probably the closest thing to Shake Shack in Toronto, not quite the same but I still enjoy it! The portobello at Shake Shack is much better and the burger holds up a bit better. Try Holy Chuck at Yonge/St. Clair for the flat top burgers, I think they're also a good option!
