Friday, January 20, 2012

Holy Duck!!!

It's been a while, and it might feel like I'm cheating because I posted about Holy Chuck Burgers only... two posts ago. That means that I can keep it short because a) you already know that it's located at Yonge/St. Clair, and b) that I am quite fond of the burgers already. So why am I posting about them again? Because there is freakin' GOOSE LIVER aka FOIE GRAS on my burger!

that's right. FOIE. GRAS.

The first observation by Nat was that it was missing veggies. By the end of it I'm pretty sure that a leaf or two wouldn't really have contributed much. I don't even know where to start. The duck fat, bacon, beef, and the truffle oil was such a nice combination that it did not need anything else. The foie gras melted so nicely in your mouth and the flavours were sooooo awesome. Surprisingly, it was not a messy burger at all, granting it extra points for no wasted good food. I am still reminiscing the foie gras taste as I burp, four hours later. As you can see in the picture, it was a pretty generous portion of goose liver for a $25 burger.

We also got these yam chips that were pretty good (they gave us free lemon aioli to dip). Karla had a great suggestion to dip them in the oil that dripped out from Nat's burger since she had a whole puddle. Lucky b*tch.  

you can see how the bun soaked up the grease- and still kept its composure!

Before I forget, I also need to credit them for making the bacon tender enough to chew through without pulling the whole thing out! We enjoyed every moment of it. Very, very, slowly and delicately. It was so delicious- I'm glad we all had a small lunch just so we can feel less guilty about this meal. Towards the last bites of our burgers, all three of us agreed "ah, I'm getting so full..." How ladylike. I was totally lying, guys. I WANT MORE. 

follow the cow's pee to the washrooms!

1 comment:

  1. youre so right about the bacon! prior to arriving, i was debating whether to order it sans bacon; worried that its saltiness would overpower and also didnt want the foie falling apart because of the bacon. but it was the perfect balance... ugh... i AM still salivating over it and want it like, tomorrow.

    i swear you and i couldve shared or had another one of em cowducks <3
