Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Burger's Priest

Ta-da! Look where I finally went to after a two month hiatus from my burger soul searching.  There's never an opportune moment to go since it's far with nothing nearby- except for the beaches.  So after a tanning session we decided to go (well I decided to drag everyone) to this much raved hotspot.  
look how it's even glorified by the sun

We walked in to a cramped little place with literally six stools on the side. No more than 2 average sized people can stand comfortably side by side in the space between the counter and the stools.  How ironic, I thought yummy burgers were for fatties.  

They used a flat top instead of a grill, which is newer to me. I don't mind- unlike those other critics who think that a burger has to be grilled- because sometimes grilling makes the burger too charred and dry tasting. We ordered "The Priest", which was a $9.99 4oz cheeseburger with "the Option."  After 10 minutes of waiting, our burgers are ready.
"The Priest"

This isn't a fair fight. This burger was so amazing, so delicious, and everything went together so well.  They didn't have the fancy condiments, and I just got ketchup, mayo, mustard, lettuce, and onion.  The thinly sliced onion was quite delicious.  The cheese oozing out of "The Option" was quite heavenly.  
the cheese

But wait- where's the beef?  This burger would have tasted quite lovely even without that shrimpy 4oz patty. The beef seemed pretty tender, moist, and juicy without soaking up the bun, which is a positive thing. I was blinded by "The Option"- which is two portobello mushrooms sandwiching gooey cheese deep fried in panko breading.  The bread wasn't toasted and it carried a McDonald's bun sort of style to it.  It makes me wonder how it can hold up those secret menu items, because my burger felt heavy on the bottom bun already. The Priest was the perfect portion, making me completely satiated without feeling like I overindulged. 

The verdict? I need to go back and try a double-double so that I can decide whether or not to crown them for the best cheeseburger. On the other hand, I may just have found a perfectly constructed cheeseburger that I will continue to crave over and over. At first I thought $9.99 was a bit steep, since there wasn't even really any sitting space to enjoy my burger. But I have since changed my mind, it's worth it. I am salivating right now as I blog, thinking about this delicious combination of nature's gifts that man has enhanced. In other words, GO GET IT CUZ IT'S KICKASS.

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