Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The fast `fast-food`chains

I can`t omit the burger lords which once started off as a mere burger stand, made it big (for a good reason) and now get ridiculed as multi-million dollar sellouts.  Here are my [biased] opinions of six popular and abundant burger restaurants in the GTA.  Yes I'm aware, we have some rising stars that are not on this list because they're going to get their own little newbie article. This one is for the oldie's.

I have too much yet nothing to really write about the golden arches.  It is simply amazing, and even Pharrell agrees.  Sing it with me! Big mac, filet-o-fish, quarter pounder french fries... He failed to mention chicken nuggets though.  Ok sorry I got sidetracked.
so here's a mcgangbang

I believe that A&W is the most underrated burger restaurant.  Seriously.  No one thinks about A&W, but when someone says "hey A&W is pretty good," everyone nods in unison.  The only reason why I discovered this amazing burger is because I'm a poor student who can only afford either a baby burger or two mama burgers for $4.  These burgers lack condiment, allowing you to really taste the beef and the buns.  I was initially confused about why they tasted good, and I realized - they (salted) butter and toast their buns!  I don't quite understand the hierarchy of the family burgers but everyone else gets condiments (teen, papa, grandpa, etc) and they then become another ordinary burger.  Must be the tomato.
how can you say no to this bear

Burger King
I don't know a single person that ever craves BK.  I know people that like their chicken burger or their poutine, but never the Whopper.  I've personally tried it a few times just out of curiosity because the advertisements are everywhere and hated it all the times.
 is this face supposed to entice me to eat?

However in Miami, I recall seeing these BK ads all over - Whoppers paired with ice, cold beer.  It's a marketing ploy - beer makes everything beside it look more delicious! I think if Ontario allowed for a more attainable liquor license, sales would increase exponentially.
 maybe this beer will help flush down the disgusting burger as if it tasted ok

I don't really like anything from Wendy's either except for the loaded baked potato.  I thought the baconator looked good on TV but it was so bland in my mouth.  But at least I know quite a few friends that prefer it.  
they were the same friends that like gingers.

Unlike everyone else, they forgot to get a mascot to appeal to kids. It's ok, because they attract Canadians, right?  note: I totally wanted to add an "eh" there but that would've been completely cliche and not funny.  Their target market is probably adults anyway, as we all know about Hooker Harveys. Somehow I don't think "have it your way" is enough of a marketing slogan.  The most exciting thing about Harvey's when I was little was getting to choose the neatly setup condiments going on your burger, but I swear they've gotten stingy, and they're just part-time employees!
I take the stingy statement back

I had once really liked their burger and onion rings, but they are easy to grow out of.  There's something about the aroma or flavour of the beef that you can't eat too much of.  

I hear Lick`s was once good back in the 80`s, but what incentive do I have to go there when I can buy the patties from the groceries and grill the burger myself?  I can man the grill! To be honest, I haven't had Licks for five years but it wasn't a memorable experience anyway.


  1. uhhh that's not a mcgangbang - it's sposed to have beef on top and under the chicken...or else it's not a gangbang

  2. i know :( the cheese was stuck and it felt gross to pry it out with my fingers

  3. mcgasm = 1 mcdouble ontop, jr chicken in the middle, 1 mcdouble on the bottom

    add some mac sauce and your excellent
    or even replace the jr chicken with chicken nuggets and sweet and sour sauce

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